Pure Motivation...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dad is great....he gave us chocolate cake...For Breakfast!!!

cCheat day can be so amazing sometimes. Especially when you have been starving all week long like I have....I can hardly take looking at good food anymore. It makes me so sad.

But, on cheat day (today!) I get to eat 2200 calories. YAY! That's a lot of food. I record all my food at http://www.myfooddiary.com/ and it calculates all my totals. So yesterday I figured out exactly what I could eat today, and I am stoked:

1 packet of low sugar oatmeal
3 egg whites

6" subway turkey sandwich on wheat with 1 tbsp of low calorie ranch
1 oz light ruffles
2 tbsp salsa

4 michelob ultras and 3 pieces of domino's pepperoni pizza (with some light ranch)

And the best: Dessert
I bought a piece of caramel cheesecake and chocolate cake. I'm only going to eat a couple bites of each. Yummy!

And then, if I am still hungry...I am getting an order of Chicken fajita and cheese nachos from Taco Cabana (of which I will only eat half and make Andy eat the other half)!

The entire total comes to: 2255 calories, 87 grams of fat, 223 carbs, and 98 grams of protein.

Just to put in perspective, the nachos have 600 calories alone (although I'm only going to eat half). And the pizza? 220 calories per slice! This is why you can't eat this way every day.

And what is funny? I know people who do eat this crap quite often! I mean, I wish I could get away with it, but I can't! Also funny: Andy is going to be so excited to eat badly too today! He will reap the benefits of my cheat day! (he loves cheesecake)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Just Because....

I love my nutritionist Amy Peters and how she looks....


I did a new workout today and I am so excited about it. Let me tell you a long story though to get to the part about the workout. If you aren't interested in the story just skip to the bottom and read about Crossfit.

So, once upon a time I had a personal trainer. His name was Jonathan. Cute kid. I say kid, he is only 2 years younger than I am! Really good. He pushed me to my limits. But he didn't consult me on nutrition ever. We just worked out hard. Then, Jonathan got fired from 24 hour fitness (another story). I got a new trainer - Drew. He was good, not nearly as tough as Jonathan, but he did tell me to eat better. Well, I would just eat what I wanted to a lot of the time...hence, I never lost weight. So I thought the training was a waste of my time. Eventually, I quit.

Months later...I decided I had enough of being a fatso. I got serious. Dropped about 10 pounds pretty easy, then had to really get my nutrition to a whole new level to get off another 10 pounds. Then, I decided I was doing the Figure Competition. Now, let's remember Jonathan. When I trained with him...I would point out these two really buff girls at the gym and tell him - make me look like them. He would laugh at me. I don't think he thought I was serious. Now, upon educating myself, I have learned that most of their gains were from what they ate. They probably train just as hard as I did back then....but I ate like crap.

So speed ahead to a couple months ago. I texted Jonathan to see if there was anyone he knew that could help coach me. Simultaneously, he told me that he has started his own fitness business. He trains people on his own and holds boot camps, and then has this thing called "Crossfit" that is supposedly a West Coast sensation. I had never heard of it. Of course, he wanted me to try it but I said no because I'm not really going to do some sort of fad workout for training to be in a contest, right???

Well...now that I have lost so much weight, my coach Amy wanted me to find someone to take my body fat so I could compare against the scale. Who do I text - Jonathan! I met up with him on Wednesday and he met me at his new facility where he trains his clients. Ya'll, this place is like a storage building...obviously a kid trying to start off on his own with no money!! Of course, he convinces me to come to his Friday morning class to try the Crossfit. So I go this morning and Oh....MY.....GOD. Ya'll this was the best workout I have had in so long. It was really really tough.

Basically, this is how the crossfit workouts work: Jonathan puts up the "Workout of the Day". Today it was a list of a whole bunch of things - do them all with no rest, and when you come to the end, you get to go home. It looked pretty simple to me. We warmed up: Couple pushups and lunges and squats and a jog. no big deal. Then the workouts began. We were basically trading off between jogging with a huge medicine ball, burpies, squats with overhead presses, kettle ball swings, ball throws, and sprinting. By the time I was to the end I thought I was going to pass out. The only good part is I smoked all the girls...damn near smoked the guy that was in the lead. Not too bad for my first time!!!!

At the end of class I told Jonathan (with very heavy breathing mind you): "See you Monday. I'm in."

So this is my plug: If you live anywhere near Pasadena, you need to go try this. I swear it was going to kill me but I was so excited at the end. And, considering I have to do a plyometric workout...this was way more competitive and I didn't have to make up the workout, and it cost me less than $15. Now that is a great way to get in your figure training.

Here is the website if anyone wants to check it out: www.makinmefit.com

As I walked in to work today, my hamstrings, quads and butt were on fire. It is a good thing that tomorrow is my rest day, because I can already tell I will be in some serious pain.....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Supplements

Along with the new training...I should have mentioned that I'm also on some new supplements. I now take a fat burner 3 times a day. I need to try to get this stubborn fat off!!!

I have to say...I think it is working only because I have been starving to death. Let's hope it is because it really is speeding up my metabolism!

I also take a green tea extract in the afternoon since I have been getting sluggish. I'm not so sure I need to take it anymore with the new fat burner.

So the breakdown of supplements (are you ready for this????) is as follows:

Preworkout: 2 capsules of creatine + 5 grams glutamine
Before Cardio: 5 grams glutamine
Post workout: 5 grams glutamine
With breakfast: 1 calcium, 1 vitamin, 1 fat burner, 1 testosterone booster
With lunch: 1 fat burner, 1 testosterone booster, 4 joint doctors (glucosamine)
Mid afternoon: 1 green tea extract
With dinner: 1 fat burner, 1 testosterone booster
Before Bed: 5 grams glutamine, 1 pro-biotic, 2 Zinc Magnesium Aspartate

Phew. Thats a lot. If you counted, it is 18 pills and 20 grams of glutamine (powder form).

Andy thinks it is just plain sick. Whatever.


I have officially registered to compete in the NPC Texas State Championships this year. Just sent in the registration forms and money. So it is official: I am signed up to compete on October 23rd!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Workout!

It is that time again. Time for me to change up the workout. I have been doing the "Giant Sets" and loved them, but my body is just too used to it. So now I'm doing a "High Volume-High Intensity" workout that Amy gave me. Basically, you do super-set types. The first exercise is done as heavy as possible with 8 reps. The next exercise on the list is 12 reps per arm/leg at lower weight. Basically you are wearing the muscle out to death. Believe me, I did shoulders this morning and they were ON FIRE. Here is the split:

Monday - Shoulders
BB Shoulder Press
DB Alternating Shoulder Press
Rear Delt Row on Pec Dec Machine
1 Sided/Alternating Rear Delt Row on Pec Dec
Standing Calf Raise
Alternating 1 Leg Standing Calf Raise
Machine Lateral Raise
DB Alternating Lateral Raise Fitball
Tuesday - Spin Class and Abs
Wednesday - Back
Seated Cable 1 Arm Lat Row
Lat Pulldowns
1 Arm Bent Over DB Lat Row
Straight Bar Cable Lat PulloversMachine 1 Arm Lat Row
Thursday - Quads/Calves
DB PliƩ Squats-Feet Far Apart
DB Walking Lunges
Smith Machine Squat-Feet Apart
1 Sided, Alternating Leg Press
Seated Calf Raise1 Leg Seated Calf Raise
Friday - Cardio Only/Abs
(Plyometrics - running track, bleachers, pushups, lunges, etc)
Saturday - Off
Sunday - Glutes/Hams
Barbell Good Mornings
Alternating Seated Leg Curl
Abs-1 Exercise
Dumbbell Dead Lift
Alternating Lying Leg Curl
Abs-1 ExerciseBack Extension
The biggest change is the cardio on Friday. I have never really done Plyometrics. I'm not sure where to begin. I've also got to find a good track and bleachers. I guess I could go to the Santa Fe High School which is right by my house, but I'm not sure if there will be students using it. So I may have to make Saturday my day to go do that cardio, and then do glutes and hams on Friday instead. Or, I may go to the park over by my work and try to make it work. That would be easy to swing after I get off work on Friday. If anyone has a clue where would be a good place to get that new plyometrics workout in, please let me know.
Cardio on other days is Wednesday and Sunday for 35 minutes. The spin class is an hour, and the plyometrics is 45 minutes.

New Progress Pics

Newest pics....123 pounds and 18.7% body fat. I'm getting a good friend of mine (ex-personal trainer actually) take my body fat this week to compare.

Also, props to Diane for taking these this time. I think they look much better then when Andy takes them, although I got a little picked at this week from Amy because they are farther away than usual. Oh well, I just can't get it right!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Fav Snack

I really am going to miss creative snacks when I get on pre-contest....I think all I get for snacks then is whey. This is a really good snack recipe (or lunch I guess) that you can try:

1/3 cup Coach's oats (I'm not sure how it would taste with regular rolled oats)
1/3 cup egg beaters
Mrs. Dash seasoning of any kind (I like the extra spicy one)
3oz can of tuna, drained

Mix all of the above together and make into small patties. It will make 4-5 small patties. Brown in a pan. I eat them with yellow mustard.

I swear this sounds probably really gross, but it is really good. Super low fat and high in protein. Love it! I ate it like 10 times in the last 2 weeks. I actually stole this one from Monica Brant.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Size 2

I wear size 2 now. Never have in my life. Which is pretty freaking amazing...not even pre-contest yet....

So why do I look so fat in all these progress pics...ugh.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wow...time has flown

I suddenly "woke up" this week a little bit.

I had multiple realizations:

1. I only have EIGHT cheat days left until my contest. EIGHT. That means only EIGHT more days of choosing to drink some alcohol (HUGE for me), or candy, or cake, or chips, or wings, or a hamburger....I am so close to having to say good bye to all my favorite foods!

2. Changes are taking place very quickly now. When I look in the mirror, I am seeing changes happen so rapidly that I sometimes am like "wait, has that line always been there? I didn't ever notice that before..." It's almost like my brain was put in someone else's body and I'm every day waking up trying to figure out how it changed over night. To the point where I grab a pair of jeans thinking they will be snug, put them on, realize they don't fit, and then I'm bewildered. I'm telling you that fat is coming off my body and I can't hardly keep up with it at this point. AND I'M NOT EVEN PRE-CONTEST YET.

3. I am exhausted. I guess I'm really pushing myself to the limit, because every day this week I have had a total crash by about 3 or 4:00 in the afternoon. Complete burn out. I've been up at 3:30 every day and once this week I worked out in the morning and evening. I eat 1700 calories a day but it doesn't seem to be enough...my body is working it's ass off.

4. I am actually doing this....like I will be a Figure Competitor. I have always wanted it, and it is coming full force ahead. It's the real deal.

I realized all of the above this week and have almost gotten sick a couple times because of how excited/nervous it makes me. It's like when you dream about something and never think it will happen, and then it is suddenly happening to you and you are like "holy cow, is this real?"...it's a whirlwind.

Thank You

I need to take a moment to thank all of you out there that have been following this blog and my progress and have been giving me such positive feedback. When I first decided to start this, there were mixed reactions from family and friends. Mainly because many people who aren't into body building don't really understand that there are many different types of body building and I guess what comes to the average Joe's mind is steroids and women that look like men.

So...this is a special thank you to those of you that continue to send me praise and tell me how great I'm doing. When I've been frustrated, there have been the same few of you out there sending me notes telling me that I look great and that I motivate you...Hey it keeps ME motivated to get such great feedback. There have also been a few of you out there ready to give me tips and hints when I'm wondering what to do...I really appreciate any kind of advice on supplements, powders, recipes. I try not to listen to TOO many people about advice because as my coach says "you don't want too many cooks in the kitchen....I am YOUR cook." Sometimes you can get overwhelmed if you listen to too much advice, but I am still so appreciative of people out there thinking about me and wanting to encourage me.

Thank you. I am so blessed to have such really great friends out there. You keep me motivated because I want to make you all proud!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Newest Progress Pics

I hate taking these pictures in this stupid bathing suit, but I am supposed to because it is easier to compare my progress wearing the same thing every time...

Just so everyone knows: the suit is a size 10...and my size 4 shorts are too big...

At least now I kinda have a tan since I just went on that cruise! :)


I just found out this morning that two of my very favorite magazines, "Muscle and Fitness for Hers" and "Flex" will be at my contest in October. They are going to be behind the scenes videoing for their websites, but will also be covering the show in detail. They specifically want to cover the NPC Texas. NPC Texas Chairman came out today saying "if you want national and even international attention, you better get your body in shape for this show"....wow, like I didn't have enough pressure to look good! Now I have extreme nerves and am very scared about possibly being in the magazines!!! This is SUPER scary!

I really think I'm going to be sick....