I don't think I ever commented on what I finally figured out from Amy's DVD. Here is a list of things I realized while watching it:

1. Nutrition is going to be the number one thing to carry me to competition. This has to be perfect. Amy prepares all of her meals daily just like I already do, so I am confident I can make this happen as long as I stick to the plan. But I better get a nutritionist fast.
2. Oatmeal is going to forever be in my life.
3. Posing is ULTRA important. I am really going to have to find a posing coach. You can make your body look fabulous but if you don't have a coach you won't be able to show your body like you should.
4. My body fat goals are probably wrong. Amy's body fat in the off season is 12%!!!! Wow, I'm at 22%.... so I basically need to concentrate on losing losing losing before competition training really begins. I am going to step up my cardio this week!!!
5. I was right about McDonald's Diet Cokes!!! This was perhaps the funniest thing of the entire DVD. Amy drinks diet cokes which really surprised me because I basically gave them up and have been drinking water. But she only goes to McDonald's for her diet coke - Just like me!!!! She says the fountains are Magic! I totally agree!!!! The diet cokes that come from McDonald's taste so freaking good. I can't believe I was able to give them up. I still can't believe that Amy even drinks them!
6. I will definitely need a makeup artist for the competition. Fake lashes and nails are a must.
7. I should plan on spending around $400 for a custom made competition suit.
8. There is a girl named Elizabeth Dewell that designs competition jewelry. Something else to consider for contest.
9. Amy's role model in figure is Monica Brandt. Funny how even someone who is a pro still has a role model just like them.
10. And this may be the most important... you have to surround yourself with other people that support your goal to be successful.
#10 is a hard one for me. All the others I can overcome but it is definitely hard in my group of friends to make people understand that I don't want to drink or that I would rather just stay home than be tempted. Amy said it pissed her off to go through the McDonald's line and they know her so well yet sometimes they still offer her an apple pie. Like, really? Do you think she is going to take an apple pie? Come on people. Steve tried to get me to drink a pina colada last night.... right.... I eat what I hate all day to ruin it with a 15 grams of fat drink. No thank you!
Good DVD overall. Made me understand what I'm in for and that it is going to get pretty tough at times.
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