Pure Motivation...

Monday, November 15, 2010

2011 NPC Schedule

The newest schedule is out!

I am seriously considering the Ronnie Coleman Classic first off. This is April 2nd. This is really just around the corner so this will be tough. 16 weeks out is December 4th and 12 weeks out is Jan 1. So it will definitely make holidays a little harder but at the same time it gives me a reason to stick to my diet through the holidays.

I am looking at doing back to back shows in October. It is actually easier to do back to back shows because you are already lean. You just don't get to pig out after completing the first one. But if they are back to back it isn't a big deal. There is one October 1st in McAllen and then Texas State is October 15th this year. Doing both of these would be cool because you can learn a lot in a short time.

So I'm talking with Amy right now about getting in order for April 2nd. Another plus to doing that show means that I will be in Dallas where she lives and we can be together for it.

As for my off-season, right now the only things to note is as follows:
Daily calorie intake: 1600
new supplements: Beta-X muscle builder and ALRI Proanabolic
Giant Set workouts
Cardio 40 min/day, 6 days a week.

I'm slowly backing off the cardio. If you remember there were a lot of two a days before and now they are all gone. I'll be down to hopefully 4 days a week of 35 minutes per day soon and that should stay that way until I really need help leaning out. 1600 cal/day on the diet seems just perfect although I'm definitely hungry still.

I've cheated a lot since the show. I've been gaining 1 pound a week since then which isn't too bad but I wish I could control myself more. I was 111 going into cheat week. I am now 114.5. It has been a little more than 3 weeks. But starting this week I'm for sure back on one day a week cheating and hoping to make it through the holidays like this. I just don't want to get bigger than 116 in the off season because it will make it that much harder to lean out for the show in April.

A Complaint

I would like to file a complaint and the only place I knew where to do it without bitching out too many people was this blog.

If someone you know loses a ton of weight and they are very happy about it and proud of their accomplishment...I think it is complete Bull shit to go tell them that they are "too thin and don't look good". I have been told this now by TWO family members. This is complete SHIT. Technically these people are not blood relatives, but they are family. First, I never came to these people and said "how do I look" so I didn't even ask for their opinion. Second, I just don't know where anyone gets off telling someone that went from 30% fat to 10% fat that they are too skinny. Listen....I may be small but I am not "skinny". 10% fat means I have a ton of muscle. You can't be anorexic and have muscle. The only way to have this much muscle is to eat enough food to fuel the muscle, so I think it is so stupid for anyone to say that I'm too skinny like I'm unhealthy. And if these people had actually spent any time with me, they would know I eat all the time, as that is the only way to keep my metabolism going.

The one comment that bugs me a lot too is about how my face has lost a lot of fat. Yes, it has. This is not an untrue statement. but sometimes when people say this to me it is like they are grossed out by it or something. There was a lot of fat in my face before and now I lost a lot of it. I don't think my face looks muscular or hard. I still have dimples in my cheeks. But I guess some people are weirded out because my face was fat for so long. So let me just say this about my face: I LIKE IT BETTER NOW! I HAD A DOUBLE CHIN BEFORE AND I NO LONGER HAVE IT. I FEEL LIKE I DON'T LOOK 12 YEARS OLD FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE. SO LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT THE FAT IN MY FACE BEING GONE.

Look, I'm happy with how I look. Please don't give me a negative opinion when I was so unhappy for so long, and now I finally like what I see in the mirror. It's like me telling you that I think you are too fat and need to lose weight. Which by the way, I think many people I know could stand to lose about 10 pounds. But I don't go around telling them this. It's the same thing with the "too skinny" remarks. So cut it out.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


I'm very behind on updating this. So I'll try to give a quick overview of the show day.

First, let me say that peak week was far crazier than I expected. I was hungry the whole time. But every day I worke up weighing less and feeling amazing. I was loving that final week of transformations.

I was 111 pounds going into peak week. Stepped on stage at 106. So I definitely benefited from peak week. BUT, there was some minuses...I was so freaking little that nothing fit me and I looked amaciated in normal clothes. Then by the time I was spray tanned, had my hair done, makeup done, I just didn't even know who I was anymore. It's like I was living in another body for the day.

Spray tanning sucks by the way. I hated this part of the show. I did not like that I was worried about going to the bathroom and sweating for like 24 hours. That just sucked. What a freaking pain in the ass. That is the only way to explain it.

I did great at prejuding as far as presenting myself. I was very happy with how I always smiled and looked at the judges. I did horrible as far as placings go. I was in 3rd callouts so I knew right off the bat that I did not place. But it is what it is. You can tell that I was compared to some not-so-hot girls in my group:

I'm not surprised that I did not place. When I look at my photos, I know that I need a stronger upper body and that I could have had a six pack, and that I should have got water off of my legs. I really did not look as ripped as I could have. Amy said I looked great (as did Steve) which meant a lot to me. All I'm saying is that I know I could have looked better and I agree with the judges putting me at the bottom. I was not upset about this at all.

I was upset about how the show was run. It was a mess. This made me emotional for the few hours afterwards because I felt like I worked my ass off to get there and was very disapointed. But after about 48 hours of everything sinking in, I was ok with what happened and knew that I would rather just pick myself up again and get to busting it in the gym all over again so that I can better myself and try to come in looking even better again in a few months. Even if the show was going to always be a crappy run show, the show is the least important part of this whole bettering my physique journey.

So, I am going to compete again. I am hoping to do the Ronnie Coleman in April up in Dallas. This way I can be with Amy. I already talked to her and she was excited for me and wants to do my makeup for that show. That will be awesome. I would love to have my coach with me the next time I'm going to step on stage.

Here are some photos that are pretty good of me from the show: