Pure Motivation...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

9 Weeks Out - No time to Slack Off!!!

Here are the latest progress pics at 9 weeks out, 116 pounds and 15% fat:

So at first when I took them I couldn't really see a difference from the last set (see 11 weeks out). But then I did notice my quads are starting to NOT touch together. I'm getting a slight gap between my thighs. I also think my shoulders and arms are getting super cut, and my butt looks pretty great.
But, I did some work with Mary Friday and she pointed out that now my body fat is low enough to see what "weak" areas I have. Everyone has them, by the way!!! For me, it is my hamstrings and my rear delts. The hamstring problem is best seen in my side view. My quads have a perfect swoop in the front and my booty does something very similar. but my hamstrings don't curve out very much. And they are almost flat as they meet my ass. This needs major work so I'm going to work hamstrings twice a week now.
As for rear delts that may be harder to see in the photos above. These are best seen in the back photo and side photo. You can see how ripped my shoulders are getting from the side, but towards the back they aren't as ripped. That is the rear delt issue. So these will now get worked on shoulder day and back day. I'm going to push it really hard.
Mary said it is still possible to get them worked up in 9 more weeks, so I'm going to push it as hard as I can.
Workouts are really intense now, but I'm not as hungry anymore and I have been feeling pretty good. Just excited that everything is really coming together. The next 9 weeks will be tougher than ever, but I'm really excited to see what else I can do to my body. I also am getting more and more confident that I can maintain this level of fitness as long as I work with my trainers/coaches on getting cardio to a manageable level of maintenance (I'm hoping for about 4 hours a week instead of the current 7).
I also always love when i meet with Mary. She makes me feel really excited about my progress. She told me that my skin has really bounced back from losing the 34 pounds that I've lost. Said that I should be very excited about my transformation. I even met a girl doing my same show and that girl told me that Mary told her all about me and that I had transformed myself! WOW! I can't believe a bodybuilder like Mary was excited for me and telling another figure competitor about me!
Oh, and one another note....I was posing in the gym in my bikini and heels for all the world to see....Stage Fright? Hopefully not at this point!

Nutritious Kitchen

I finally cleaned out the majority of the junk food left in my house. I'd been keeping some around for Andy but I now have him on the health kick too....so we finally have a fridge and pantry that I LOVE to see:

The fridge - full of figure competitor staples: eggs, rtd's, egg whites, water, veggies, diet sodas, "free" sauces, and protein

The freezer - full of veggies, more meat, and of course the "cheat" favorites (ice cream and chocolate cake!)

The pantry - all kinds of peanut butter (I LOVE peanut butter), whey, oats, protein bars, quinoa, brown rice, and more "free" condiments.

If you come visit me, just know that you don't have much to choose from that would be a good midnight snack!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Here's My Hand

One thing that amazes me about this sport is how nice everyone has always been to me along the way. You would think it being a competition that people would not want to share secrets or lend a helping hand.

Not True!

I am by nature extremely competitive. This is not the sport to be that way. It is only a competition with yourself.

I had to learn this and it is humbling once you do.

I find myself now always trying to remember all the help I have received along the way, and that it will be my turn to pass along help to someone else one day. That is what real winners do.

Because...I have had 2 amazing nutritionists (Amy and Nathan) help me get my food in order. Before them, I never had a clue about how many calories I should be eating, how to work carbs into my diet, how much fat is enough, etc etc. I didn't have a clue what supplements to take.

Because...without Amy I would never know what types of workouts to do. I was working out all my muscle groups when really I needed to focus in on particular areas.

Because...without Monica Brant I would have never found Nathan. Or Sonya who is making my suit.

Because....without Sonya, I wouldn't have a suit, or have a clue what design or color to go with.

Because...without Jonathan I would never know what % body fat I have. I also wouldn't have a clue how to build a plyometric workout routine.

Because...without Mary I would never have a clue how to pose on stage.

Because....without all my supporters I would not have small reminders that I am capable of doing this.

Because....without Andy I would not have someone to vent to every day, and share my small victories.

There are a bunch of people who have really helped me stay motivated and figure out how to get organized. It will be my turn one day and I will return the favor.

This morning in the gym a girl told me she has watched me transform over the last year and she is completely inspired by me. She said she would like to get my info so she can find out what I do and eat. I will happily help anyone that wants help. Ultimately we all must recognize that we can only change if we want to, and at the end of the day we have to take action on the information we receive. But, I will never turn away someone who is genuinely trying to make a change and is crying "HELP". I have been that same girl. And I have looked at other girls and wished and wondered how to do it.

It is important that while I'm proud of where I've taken myself....I need not forget where I came from.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Highs, Lows, and Growth

I follow all the latest news in the NPC on facebook. I came across this excellent interview with a girl that is one of the newest winners. I really enjoyed the article because the girl being interviewed seemed so normal and I could really relate to her.


One thing she said that made me think was how the first time competing experience is so rewarding because you grow as a person. And that a lot of growth comes from low points or letdowns. I kept thinking about how this could really be true. I mean, I have definitely had highs and lows. A lot of my lows have been general frustration and worry that I'm really not doing something right and maybe I won't be ready to compete. This turns into stress which gives me anxiety, and I just hate feeling like I can't breathe or I'm going to have a panic attack. These are major mental let downs, but I'm not sure how these have helped me grow during this experience.

And then I think I realized (at least partially) what was really meant by it. Most people would quit this whole process when those let downs come on. I'm having the serious "mental letdowns" and figuring out how to deal with them so that I can continue towards my goal. That is resisting failure and not allowing yourself to quit. This is where the whole correct mental mindset comes into play.

So, last night in an attempt to keep some of my "normal world" life, I went with Andy to Rob and Chandra's. It was like the old times where it was just the Williamsons, Wells', Thomas', and Stevensons. All of us are super busy now with different things going on that it is very very very rare that we should all be able to get together under one roof. I don't know how long it has been since all 8 adults have been together, but I swear it used to be all the time and now this was probably the first time in the last year. I had a great time visiting. And the whole situation made me realize how my diet is so permanently different now. For one, I was the only one not drinking alcohol until 6 month pregnant Apryl showed up. And it never bothered me that I wasn't drinking. Secondly, there was nothing I could have ate had I not brought my own food. Typical. I of course had my own food and was just fine eating it. I sort of missed having my "cheat day" where I could have done whatever, but really it didn't bother me so much.

But more than just being able to deal with the situation, I realized: I would rather be doing what I'm doing than doing what they are all doing.


It surprised myself to have that thought. I no longer feel like I have to get home to go to bed...I want to get home to go to bed. I was not jealous in the least once everyone started getting a buzz from drinking too much. Instead, I was tired and full and wanting my own bed so I could wake up on a quiet Sunday morning.

So, today, I'm reflecting a little on what this all means. And I have to remember what the above interview had said and how it relates to my current life.
1. It is a mental low to realize that you are a bit of a "social outcast" when you used to be party girl central. This causes some identity confusion on your part as well with others wondering who you really are now. It's not like others are mad I'm not joining in, but they definitely can't do anything to make me feel included (like when everyone is drunk in a hot tub and you are just tired and ready to go to sleep)....
2. I've obviously grown from this entire process to realize that my health is one of my core values now in life. My diet is dictated by this value and not altered to fit in with what everyone else is doing.
3. It is a high to realize that my mind is stronger than it ever used to be. A year ago, I would have said "just this one time won't really matter..." and would have forgot my diet and caved. Now, I know that reaching my goal is far more important than any junk food could ever be and I don't even have to worry about feeling tempted. That is mental strength.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Progress Pic - 11 weeks out

Here are pics 11 weeks out. Changes are very subtle at this point, but I feel good about what I'm seeing. 118 pounds and 15% fat.

I had a good talk with Amy this afternoon also. She was excited for my body fat, since this is where I'll really start seeing changes fast and noticing contest shape coming on. Which is funny that she said this because this last week I really noticed changes happening.
I always feel good talking to Amy. She reminded me that competing is a "lonely sport", so it is ok to sometimes feel alone in what I'm doing.
So I kinda feel like even though this is crunch time, that a calm is over me. I finally feel like I'm able to compete, and that the fat is going to come off between now and the show. This is the first time I have really felt that relaxed about contest prep. And the diet isn't even getting on my nerves that bad anymore. I'm feeling much more ok with just doing what I'm doing, and knowing it will all pay off in the end. In fact, I'm getting more thoughtful about post-contest, and ensuring I don't blow up after this is all said and done with!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Carb Cycling and Cardio

Nathan emailed me the new diet. We are going to try and cycle my carbs. This is pretty common, and I probably should expect my diet will stay like this until contest. It is a pretty cool thing really, I've been reading up on carb depleting and loading and what benefits it can have on weight loss and also your contest look.

So now, on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, I'm eating what I have been eating:

1/2 grapefruit
6 egg whites

1/2 grapefruit
1 tbsp almond butter

40 grams quinoa
3 oz chicken
2 cups green beans

100 grams shrimp
2 cups green beans

2 cups cucumber

3 oz chicken
1 bell pepper
2 cups green beans

+ a before bed shake (with whey and fruit) and a postworkout shake

Now, on Tuesdays and Fridays, the carb depletion diet looks like this:

instead of grapefruit now there is 0.25 cups of oats

Now it is just whey and 0.25 cups oats (I'm going to try and cut some of the whey and replace with egg beaters to make my oat pancakes since that is easier to pull off at work)

no green beans, just the chicken and quinoa

Substitute quinoa for green beans

10 almonds

3 oz chicken
2 cups cucumber

+ post workout shake and a pre-bed shake (only no fruit in the last shake of the day)

Basically what this does is on the "normal" days, I'm eating about 100 grams of carbs. Now on the depleting days, I only have about 60 grams. That is going to make the workouts pretty brutal on Wednesday morning as well as Saturday morning since I won't have a ton of energy. Plus, my cardio on Tuesday is 75 minutes, so I'm probably going to have to do a morning and afternoon workout now to fit it all in, so my gas tank will really be empty doing cardio in the evening! It will be a really interesting week seeing how I respond to this!

If you are wondering about Saturday, well it is still my day to fit in a cheat meal and so it is a carb load day. I believe this day is going to change in about 3 weeks because I'll have to eliminate all sugar and junk from my diet completely.

As for the workout...here is what it currently looks like:

70 minutes of steady cardio

75 minutes of steady cardio

60 minutes Interval Sprinting: 1 minute sprint:1 minute walk

60 minutes of interval sprinting

Plyometrics/Crossfit class (45 minutes)
25 minutes of steady cardio

40 minutes steady cardio in am
40 minutes steady cardio in pm


Cardio comes out to be a little more than an hour each day on average. It's only 3 weight workouts, but plyo/crossfit usually is a strength training workout as well since weights can be involved. But mainly the only weight workout I gave up was quads and the thing is sprinting and plyo is really geared towards working your legs, so it isn't like I gave up much.

It's a lot. Plus I have 2 days a week at a minimum to work on posing. I've really only been getting one good day in on this because on weekends is when it is really easy for me to use the cardio room at the gym to pose. I guess I'll have to make myself do it in the mornings as I get to about 8 weeks out from contest. I'm feeling a LOT better about posing though since I've had two sessions with Mary and really can see my shoulders and quads leaning out now.

Now, tomorrow I'm calling Amy to chat. I'm hoping to make a trip to Dallas to see her before my show so she can help me with some last minute details on posing and overall presentation. She is amazing at stage presentation so I really care about getting her to give me some one on one pointers.

And hey...today is Saturday! So guess what I get to eat today? I ate oatmeal for breakfast which was super exciting. And I'm going to eat a luna bar for a snack, and for another snack I'm going to have 2 rice cakes with peanut butter (real peanut butter!). As for the main cheat meal, I'm fitting in a sweet potato, broccoli, and steak followed by chocolate cake. Oh, how this contest diet has made me appreciate healthy foods even! It is only a 2200 calorie day after all is said and done and I know I'm going to cherish every moment of it!!!!

Friday, August 6, 2010

11 weeks out! Great Progress!

I am 11 weeks out as of tomorrow.

I have crazy emotions going on. but they are all good people, no worries! I am super excited that I am seeing amazing progress with my body. Today, I look in the mirror and seriously hardly find anything I don't like about myself. That is a feeling I've never had before. Competing or not, that is an accomplishment. My arms are the best part I think. I have always HATED my arms and now they are super buff.

I got my body fat checked this week and I'm right at 15%. A miracle if you ask me. Especially after my horrible cheat day on vacation last week. (Did I mention that I threw up 5 times at the airport the day after? Yeah, might have to re-think the post part splurge of food after contest).

I don't have a progress pic to share because Andy is gone today and I'll have to take it tomorrow I guess. But seriously, I am amazed at my abs right now. The lower abs of course are my week spot. I noticed that with my body fat readings. The caliper measurements are going down like everywhere except my lower abs. This seriously will be one of the last places I lose fat, I am sure of it because it is so driven by diet. BUT, on the UP side....I have abs in my lower lower abs coming through very clearly. Cuts that usually are only observed on men. THAT is super cool.

Oh, and my old navy size 2 jeans are too big now. So I'm very thankful I didn't use my old navy gift card from Diane (birthday gift) because it looks like I need to run over there for some size 0's. I was wearing the size 2's to work yesterday and by about 9am they were stretched out and falling off of me...not very flattering.

Now, for the interesting part that I'm waiting on....I emailed Nathan this morning and told him that I thought this was a great week. Especially considering that my diet has been so miserable and I'm hungry all the freaking time. But surprisingly I was a nice person this week the majority of the time, and I was not overly tired like usual. I thought I felt pretty good overall! He emailed me back that it was great news. But then he said...."let's keep up the momentum. Are you ready to kick it up a notch?".....Oh god. I shake my head at this. Because people, I am working my ass off. I think everyone is fully aware of this, but I'm telling you this is the hardest thing I have ever done. I mean I've got it in a groove/routine now to where it is not so bad, but it is still just brutal. Because I really am hungry all the time. All the time. I work out for 2 hours in the morning and then only eat these meals that are 175-250 calories each. So I am ALWAYS hungry. Plus, I'm taking the T-X (side bar to the right) and there is no appetite suppressant with it.

Back to Nathan. I'm scared. I mean just as I'm feeling pretty good...he scares me with this comment. Oh dear lord I just hope he doesn't cut my calories anymore. And I really hope he doesn't add any more cardio yet!!!!

Just so everyone knows my reply though. It was this: "Oh Nathan. You kill me. Every week seems to be kicking it up a notch! But, do you really have to ask? You know I want this more than anything and will do whatever you tell me to do. Bring it!". I guess for a girl shaking in her boots about getting her ass kicked even more, I sure do put on a good front.

As soon as I get the new diet and workout, I will share. Please do not attempt unless you are already pre-contest.

Oh, and one more thing. I went to Crossfit this morning. The workout was excellent as always. Had extra time at the end of class so J had us do 4 rounds of 20 walking lunges followed by a run. You had to run around this building back to the start line and then go right back into another set of 20 lunges. Well, I was the first one off into the run in the first round. Then, after the second round of lunges, I passed two people on their run. So needless to say, I finished first, before any boys, and one girl was yelling "Misha, are you godzilla?"...I thought that was pretty cool.

Now, today is my day off. And Andy is gone. I believe I'm ready to just get in bed and take a long nap with Thelma and prepare myself for a double round of cardio tomorrow, posing practice, and my cheat meal of chocolate cake.